Sunday 26 January 2014

Greening Delhi, home-style.

The weeks and weekends have circled around each other too easily. 
I guess that's what happens when you work for ... 14 days straight. 
So this post will start with the weekend, the first one since being back in India.

My mother is a gardener. She finds solace in soil. Her experience goes beyond 'getting her hands dirty' -  she can convince neighborhood kids, my brother's friends, and any of my previous boyfriends  to pitch in to her botanical missions (i.e. pruning high tree limbs, carrying insanely heavy bags of mulch, wheelbarrowing garden detritus).

This weekend I decided that I needed a floral make-over. Plants make me happy, remind me of my mom, and give me inspiration for art-making. I had been avoiding investing in the flat I am living in - not sure how long I'll be here and feeling challenged by lack of IKEA, the Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc etc.

As I was walking back from a different adventure (graffiti walk post coming soon!), i saw a small semi-formal nursery (everything here is pretty semi-formal come to think of it). After a considerable amount of time speaking Hindi to the other non-native hindi speaking plant-sellers (from Hyderabad they spoke telegu), it became evident that 'indoor' and 'outdoor' are the best common denominators even for buying plants in Delhi.

I bought 6 plants, asked for one as a 'gift', and shocked them as i helped transfer the plastic-bag plants into clay pots (also free). The video below is of the lift i took from the nursery to home... on the plant delivery guy's cycle wagon.

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